Monday, January 12, 2009


Days are gone without any voice. It has been a week since my last post. These days I was pretty much preoccupied with something else. I cannot share it since I also has forgot about it. What it was, etc. Anyway, today is another Monday, and I still don't get a new job yet. Meanwhile, I am so fed up with this old job. To whom I can find the answer ?
I know, to God only. It is a bit difficult lately, since my role model has becoming a rebellious lately. I don't, basically, I could not blame them. Since life is a bit bitter for them to live in. I guess, what I am trying to say is nobody is perfect. But, the point is you must get up back on your feet once you fell down. You need somebody to lift you up. Not necessary a living person, relative or family, but one person which is there with you whenever and wherever you go. It was Him I am talking about. Him!! God!! He is the one we should look for whenever we fear, afraid, down, hopeless, whenever we are at the end of the road, the human road. So, take it up to the highest level, take it up to Him.

I hope this post will bring the good out of you and do something good out of it.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tough Day

These days are tough days for me, since everything fell apart, and I don't know how to fix it.
What to do to fix it. To whom I can ask for help.
Second thought, last question I think I do know the answer.
Yes, to God. I can ask for help to God. After all, He is the creator.
He must know what to do to fix these issues.
I admit, my family these days happened to ignore and abandon Him. We come to church very less, and even less day by day.
It seems we loose our faith little by little, due to things which happened to us.
I know, it should not happened like that. That is definitely not an excuse for any of us.
We are at the bottom of the wheel now. And no one seems to care enough to look for a rope to climb up.
Even the water is getting higher by day, by minute, by second.
We are drowning here... SOS...
I supposed let me try to do something about it.
Even though one man can not change the world, but at least I am trying.

May God be with us....


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hari ini, tepatnya siang ini, aku baru teringat lagi tentang topik yang sudah lama menggelayuti pikiranku. Yaitu tentang rencana pemerintah untuk menambah anggota dewan.
Apa tidak salah ???
Anggota dewan kan gak ada kerjaan nya. Bayangkan berapa besar dana rakyat yang dipakai untuk membiayai para dewan pemalas dan rakus itu?
Sudah segala biaya ditalangi pemerintah, mulai dari rumah dinas, pakaian dinas, mobil dinas, perawatan rumah, perawatan mobil, listrik(PLN), air(PAM), bensin(BBM), kesehatan, bahkan rekreasi keluarga ke luar negeri, eh masih minta gaji pula.
Kenaikan harga BBM yang disetujui oleh mereka sendiri, tapi mereka gak mau kena getahnya. Dengan cara minta naik gaji.
Aku yakin seratus persen, kalo mereka tidak ada, negara juga masih bisa jalan. Bahkan, aku yakin tidak ada seorangpun pengemis di negara Indonesia. Karena apa ? Karena uang yang dihabiskan oleh para anggota dewan itu bisa digunakan untuk membiayai rakyat kecil.
Nah, dengan begitu sudah dapat dipastikan tidak ada lagi rakyat miskin apalagi jadi pengemis.


Tuesday Morning

Phuihh... if we talk about Work, it always drives me crazy. You know why ? Because it seems it's getting serious...
Here and there, two-faces is always following you, wherever you are.
Back-stabber is ready to stab you in the back, whenever you are not ready.
Nobody you could trust anymore. They will do everything, I mean EVERY DAMN SINGLE THING to step on you, to kick you, to double cross you, to humiliate you, to make you irritate, to insult you, to take you down, to make them one step up above you.
In this world of human nature, I don't think they deserved to be called as a human, since they don't act like one. In fact, they act like animal. Kill and eat everything get on the way.
Phuihh... in this new year, I am still not yet grow up. Expect so much on others.
Expect so much on anything.

Have a good, nice and wonderful working day...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday Morning

Phuihh... if we talk about Monday Morning, it always drives me crazy. You know why ? Because it seems it's getting serious... As we know, Monday is the first day of the working week... Everybody know, the first day is always the hardest day... Especially first day after a long vacation. Yes, last week is the end of the year 2008, so everybody is on holiday...
Some people has a long holiday, others might have a very long holiday...
I am one of the person who has long holiday. It was started from 22nd December 2008. Although today is not the first day after holiday, since I came to work on last Friday. But that day is only another one funny day. Hehehehe...
Today is the first serious working day after holiday.
And this morning, I have started with good mood, until he screwed it up.
Okay, he is not the only one to be blamed of. Actually he might not in the good health, that is why he was bothering me.

Oke, enough for now. I will be writing some more later on...


Friday, January 2, 2009

New Resolution

New resolution for 2009

Phuihh... if we talk about new resolution, it always drives me crazy.
You know why ? Because it seems it's getting serious....
I mean, our life is supposed to be an interesting, nice and wonderful thing.
Having fun with our life should be our goal to be achieved...
Cause life itself is already a heavy thing, full of responsibilities, duties, tasks, and things that have to be done. Don't even think to make it more stressful man!!!
But, anyway, to show our respect to our role model gig, let's share my resolution first, and you all are welcome to share yours... Your resolution... not something else.... Hehehe...

Ok... Let's start with the most important resolution and yet, a very less important, too
Confused ???
Don't be embarrassed to admit it. Cause, I am also confused... Hehehe...


That is the first and the biggest resolution for me this year.
And yet, the tricky one.
Cause, I don't have any girlfriend yet, so how am I supposed to get married without any bride ?

And till now, according to my observation, getting married is the most difficult task for a man and a woman to do.
You know why ?
Cause getting married is not only about penis and vagina (mind my language), sir and mam.

It is more than that.
It is about combining, merging, consolidating, and compromising everything.
It takes 2 adult to get married. I am not talking about age... No, sir, no mam....

It is about your personality, man....
When a man is already an adult, he will be more than happy to make his partner happy.
He will be more than happy to make an effort to make his partner happy.
And so on, and so on....

So many things involved here. Not only happiness he must provide for his partner.

I am not ready for that. I am not yet an adult (based on the description above).
I am still a very much selfish. I and me is the most important thing in my life.

But, since we are talking about resolution, there you are. That is one of my resolution this year.


Hehehe... You thing I must be a greedy man to have that kind of resolution.
But please hear me out, man...

The only reason I want so much to get rich is...
I want to make my family happy, by getting them whatever they could not have in their younger life.
Yes, I am talking about mom and dad... Two most precious person in my life, beside myself...
So many things they gave up, just because of me...

Okay, enough for today....
Let see another day for my other resolutions...


January 2nd, 2009

Today is my first day back to office after two weeks break... So, everything is not in a proper condition to start the day. I mean, all this 14 days, I have already started to wake up late, very late.... Doing nothing but eat and sleep... And late at night still sitting down in front of a tv till 2 or AM in the morning...
But today, everything have to be changed...
I woke up early this morning, 4.30 AM. Can u imagine that ?
I was also wonder how...
But, around 5.30 I started to begin the journey to my dear office in Jakarta. Took the usual bus, sitting there in the cool room, not so many people in the bus, I started to fell a sleep. And I did...
I fell a sleep, all the way to Jakarta. I didn't event get off the bus at the usual drop-off place.
It took me half hour to finally get back to my office...
What a waste... Around 7 I've reached Cawang... Even thought, I was supposed to dropped off at Kuningan.
Phuih, finally 7.45 I am at the office...

And everything went fine until one event drop my good mood....
They forced me and some of the colleagues to give some money to treat the team some food and drink. Only small amount, but the things that hurt me the most is the reason they used...

Oh My God, what is that ?


Hi All !!
It is time for me to finally have a medium to post everything inside my head... oupss, not everything though... Perhaps, all the tought, the feeling, the words, that I could not say it verbally to anybody...

So, lets the personal, private and confidential part of my life is finally revealled....
