Sunday, May 31, 2009


Two people, different life, different place, share a similar face and fate and end up with a twisted story.
Harry, a single and happy young fellow, working as a programmer in one of multinational company, specialized in broadcasting industry. Meanwhile, Henry, a married and happy young fellow, working as a successful writer and has published 5 best seller novel.
One day share the same train, without knowing each other, sitting in a side by side compartment. When the train got into accident, both has wounded badly, and have no memory.
One has recovered his mind, and knowing the similarity, but decided to keep the act, and switch side. He lives with his new life and identity. But later on he found out how dangerous the life he lives, and decided to tell the truth to the others. Knowing his life has been stolen, he decided to gives his double a little revenge. But only one survivor, and takes the whole prizes.


Donald and Amelia got married without knowing has break someone else heart. Leaving only bitter and anger feeling inside the person left behind. Olla and Phillip met and leaving a little hope of love in someone heart. But knowing the heart is already taken, the relationship goes nowhere, leaving only heart break on the others. Emptiness in a married life, make someone playing with fire, reminisce with the old flame, although nothing can be the same as before, leaving someone in hatred flame.

Donald has fallen in love with Olla. They know each other through a mailing list, where they both as a member. Since that day, they becoming very close although nobody know their love life. One day, Donald told Olla that he is getting married with his girlfriend, Amelia. Since that day, their relationship has gone bad. Olla decided to stay away from his live.

Phillip, a single young man, meet Donald through the same mailing list, and fell in love with the man. At the same time he knows Olla, too. Phillip becomes friend also with Olla, without knowing the background story. Phillip shares some special moment with Donald, though he keeps his feeling inside because he knows Donald is a married man. One day, Donald shares his dark secret about his love story with someone else besides his wife. Without knowing that Phillip is Olla’s friend, he told every dark story about Olla.

Becoming close to Olla, allows them to share things. And he also grows a feeling for Olla. But after hearing bad story about Olla, Phillip takes a few steps back on his relationship with Olla. He still goes to movies together, or having lunch at café or bookstore, but he stops telling him about his life. Olla, without knowing what has happened, is still keep sharing his life and also about his love life in the past, including his love life with Donald, but it is a very different version.

Getting confused and mixed up, between his friendship with Donald, and his feeling for Olla, one day, he tell both of them about the others. He told Donald, he makes friend with Olla. And to Olla, he told that he felt in love with Donald but now becomes friend.

That is the biggest mistake in his life because since then Donald takes advantage on his relationship with Olla. He is trying to get close again with Olla. He still has feeling for him. Getting ignore and being taken advantage by Donald to get Olla, someone that he love, Phillip get so frustrated, specially, after knowing the truth about him and Donald, Olla start to got away from his life.

Amelia, found out about her husband one day. Feeling shock about it, she got into an accident, and lost her memory. He realized that he loves his wife much more than he wants to be with Olla. But everything is already too damn late.
Someone has become a very dark man, decided to get revenge to everybody that has ruined his life. Will anybody survive from this tragedy?

Monday, May 4, 2009


Hmmm, membaca judul di atas, banyak hal melintas dibenak saya. Karena dalam pandangan mata saya, begitu banyak hal yang tampak menyentuh hati, mengibakan hati tapi kenyataan nya sangat memuakkan. Salah satu contoh hal yang pernah menjadi pengalaman pahit saya, karena terkecoh liciknya sesosok manusia. Dalam perjalanan saya ke kantor, saya selalu melewati perempatan lampu merah yang sama, dan di sana tergeletak sosok tubuh yang tampak lemah, dan tidak berdaya dalam pakaian yang lusuh, sehingga tergerak hati saya untuk memberikan helaian uang yang rasa-rasanya memang tidak seberapa untuk menghidupi dia seharian, tapi paling tidak, ia bisa mendapatkan sepotong makanan untuk pagi hari. Tapi tak disangka-sangka, suatu hari saya lewat dia belum ada di tempat biasa, tapi datanglah sosok yang berpakaian rapi, walaupun bukan baju baru, tapi terlihat ada lipatan baju yang dirapikan dengan setrika. Di tempat biasa saya temui sosok lusuh, duduklah dia di sana dan astaga, yang bikin saya tidak bisa menahan geram, ternyata dia berganti pakaian dengan pakain lain yang dia bawa, pakaian yang sehari-hari saya lihat melekat di badannya. Untunglah, lampu lalu lintas sudah hijau, jadi saya terhindar dari perbuatan yang melampiaskan amarah di hati. Tak urung sejak itu, tak bergeming hati ini, melihat para pria dan wanita di tepi jalan, di perempatan lampu merah, di sudut pasar, atau di manapun. Yang terlintas di benak, apakah mereka ini benar2 membutuhkan ataukah mereka hanya orang-orang ingin mendapat uang dengan lebih mudah.

Manipulasi lainnya, adalah sosok pria dan wanita yang memanipulasi dirinya seolah-olah wajar dan alami, padahal jalan hidupnya tidak alami dan wajar lagi. Dan yang lebih menarik urat kepala, di depan banyak orang dia ini menghujat orang-orang yang menjalani hidup tak wajar dan alami, walaupun secara sadar ia sedang menghujat dirinya sendiri.
Banyak orang bilang, seorang pria, dapat dikenali sebagai Gay, dari pakaian, gaya berjalan dan gaya bicaranya. Okelah, pria-pria berpakaian feminis, sudah hampir dapat dipastikan 99,9 % adalah Gay. Tapi tidak semua Gay akan berpakaian seperti itu. Ada pria-pria Gay yang sudah sedemikian mahirnya menkamuflase, memanipulasi penampilan lahiriah-nya. Sehingga ia tampak seperti pria-pria pada umumnya.... Berpakaian formal, "warna-warna pria" (biru, hijau, abu2, putih, hitam, coklat), tidak berpakaian ketat, suara maskulin, tubuh tegap, perut rata, berkumis, berjenggot, berbulu tangan dan dada. Juga tetap mampu menjalin relasi dan hubungan intim dengan lawan jenis (wanita), sehingga di mata para naif dan para awam, dia adalah sosok mulia yang tidak mungkin berperilaku Gay.
Alangkah naifnya para "hakim-hakim dunia" ini, yang mendewakan penampilan lahiriah, sehingga menutup mata terhadap prilaku.
Itulah manipulasi dalam hidup.
Keduanya nyata senyata-nyatanya dalam kehidupan dan dalam keseharian kita.