Those line i would like to say it loud in front of all of you people. I've been crying a lot reminiscing how they treated me as a thief. Sure, they did not say it loud to me. But how they react, how they did something, it is as much as spit on my face.
A few weeks back, I was a part of the team to organize a social event with one community. There was one big guy felt and thought I was going to take some free stuffs. Usually, I bring black laptop bag, but that day I brought my backpack, which is big enough to take so many things.
I have counted at least 3 (three) times, he spit on my face, treated me as a thief. I was sitting near by the desk which some free stickers were laying there unattended. Apparently, the other team did not put it properly because they do not think somebody would steal it in front of so many team member. All of the sudden, he came there, take it out from the table, and put it somewhere behind me.
The second time, I was sitting near (again) the desk, and there is one transparent grocery bag laying there in front of me, (again) all of the sudden he yelled and scream, "Where is the sticker? Where is the sticker ?" Oh my gosh, the sticker was there in front of his nose.
The third time, I was standing near a box full of free T-shirt, supposed to be for the participant who has registered, but unfortunately, they did not show up. Suddenly, I open my big bag, to put a certificate, which just given to me by other team member, out of nowhere, there he is, again, putting the box away aside from me.
Dear God, what exactly did I do to him? It is not that I would steal anything, but the box is very much wrapped properly and it was there in front of everybody.
I am not a free-stuff-maniac. I am not a thief nor kleptomaniac.
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